Monday, September 2, 2013

Marissa: Junior Year - Is this what it's like to be a big man on campus?

I am so overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness seeing the creation of this blog by my loves.

I have officially completed my first week of junior year classes! I am taking:

1. intro to archaeology (as a requirement for my anthropology major. Totally an easy class, super excited and now I just want to go on a dig somewhere!)
2.  international econ (eww. enough said)
3.  cultural ecology (an anth class that has so far been a disappointment. The professor is a billion years old, doesn't use a powerpoint or anything during lectures, and assigns a ton of readings that are really more ecology than culture, but we don't even have class discussion. Also, I can't hear him talk unless Im sitting directly in front of him.)
4. Honors: Violence and the Violated (So interesting! Also a WID, so that'll be interesting. Im reading Justice by Michael Sandel, that famous Harvard profess who's ethics class is the most popular class at the university.)

Additionally, I am waitlisted for French 4, which might be a blessing in disguise because I start my 15 hour a week internship with Senator Blumenthal on Wednesday!

Also, I've sold my soul to Generic Theatre Company. So far we've had the Welcome Back Showcase, Org Fair, a board meeting, the Fall Body Meeting, Freshman Showcase auditions and callbacks and Anne Frank auditions.  *whew* Though I must admit it's been so fun :) Being co-Executive Producer is pretty nice, and our board is made up of fantastic people. Also, our season celebrating women is kick-ass.

This first week has been a whirlwind of moving in, getting to know my 4 new roommates, catching up and reuniting with old friends, party-hopping, befriending little freshies, and realizing I am an upperclassman now! I couldn't be happier for Alex that she has officially arrived in Amsterdam, I hope everything is going well! And Mandy, give Mama and Papa Smith hugs for me <3

Song I'm currently obsessed with? hahaha

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