Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Marissa: Hey girl, do you work for the government?

Hey girl, do you work for the government? Because you… SHUT. IT. DOWN.

We can’t stop? Oh, but, WE DID STOP.

I have been working at the senator’s office despite the shutdown. Most of the staffers have been furloughed, however, many still come into the office. Everyone in this office is very committed to what they do and spirits have remained high, with people bringing food and goodies in for each other. The other day, the senator invited us to a wine and cheese break to thank us for all of our hard work.  To give you an idea of what a big deal this was, since I have started working here I have not seen or interacted with the senator. He’s usually in and out for votes, and his office is on the first floor, whereas the intern den is upstairs.
It’s been a unique experience to work during this historical time. Now I can always say I was on the hill during the notorious shutdown of 2013. Also, there was a woman who ran her car into the gates of the white house and then into the gates of MY senate office building.  There were shots fired, and sadly she was killed by the police. Everyone on the capital had to go into lockdown mode. I was not in the office that day, and I stayed home the next day until they actually figured out what happened. So, like I said, this is a very unique experience working at this time.

All around the city there is free food or discounts for government employees! And in some cases, a price increase for members of Congress! 

Last week I got to summarize a house bill for animal welfare and I recommended that the senator introduce a senate version of the bill. My supervisor really liked my report and said he was going to give it to the senator! This made me feel indispensable, because not many people on the hill are overly interested in animal welfare legislation. This gives me more opportunities to do projects, because I’m not competing with the other interns over doing those types of projects.

The other day Hunter and I celebrated our TWO YEAR anniversary! We went out to a fancy restaurant, Rasika, last night and ordered everything. He gave me a card he made that made me cry. And I gave him a deck of cards, and written on each card was a different thing I love about him. <3
I am going home this weekend and will be carving pumpkins and going apple-picking! Hunter is also coming to join in on the fall-family- fun. :D

MIDTERMS HAVE BEEN HORRIBLE.  That’s mostly why I haven’t posted in a while. Anyway…
Hunter’s parents recently went on a week-long cruise that left out of Baltimore, so they were in DC for two weekends, before and after their cruise. We had so much fun – the first weekend we went to Eastern Market and bought straw fedoras, and then went to this place called ArtJamz in Dupont, where you have access to an art studio and can paint whatever you want, and they serve alcohol. FABULOUS.  

Then on the second weekend, Hunter and I road-tripped to Bmore, and we all went to the National Aquarium there. It was quite expensive, but absolutely amazing. I could have spent all day there, just watching the octopus, or the sharks, or the DOLPHINS. THAT’S RIGHT, THERE WAS A WHOLE BUILDING FOR THE DOLPHINS. We watched them have “recess” where they proceeded to throw all of their toys out of their tank. They looked like they were happy, but I admit, I felt a little guilty… Are dolphins supposed to be in tanks? I have been meaning to see the documentary “Blackfish” about how orcas are not supposed to be confined in places like Sea World (and thus, they go insane and kill their trainers). I need to see that documentary and look into dolphin development/intelligence. I know that they are one of the most intelligent types of animals, behind chimpanzees.

Jacqueline and Brian are like my second parents, so it’s always such a pleasure to spend time with them. They even take my side if Hunter and I have a disagreement! Haha! 

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